1 in 7 North Texans Face Food Insecurity

According to the latest findings from Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap report, Texas now leads the nation in food insecurity.

In North Texas alone, approximately 777,690 individuals struggle with hunger.

The Need in North Dallas

Invisible Poverty in North Dallas

The Storehouse Community Center is strategically located at the intersection of Dallas, Collin, and Denton County. Because North Dallas has historically been an affluent community, this area is under-resourced in terms of support programs for working families increasingly falling behind due to the rising costs of living and inflation. The most recent Map the Meal Gap findings from Feeding America reveals that Texas is the most food insecure state in the nation. More than just a food pantry, The Storehouse is positioned to address the needs of neighbors within the North Dallas region.

Our 2023 Impact


meals served to our neighbors,
equating to 4,396,144 pounds of food distributed.

families served. Of the individuals served, 29,069 were senior adults, and 110,988 were children.

articles of clothing distributed at no cost to 3,498 households.

winter coats distributed to individuals of all ages.

hours of individual direct care provided to our neighbors with needs beyond food and clothing.

requests for assistance beyond food and clothing received from our neighbors online.

neighbors enrolled at The Academy in various courses offering training in job skills, language skills, and life skills.

successful class completions. We provided 373 unique neighbors with educational opportunities.

Come See Us

At The Storehouse Community Center, we transform lives by helping our neighbors meet their basic needs while connecting them with vital resources to empower them on their journeys. We support families at or below the federal poverty level with a holistic pathway of programs that culminates in stable, high-quality employment. Donate today or volunteer with us to be part of community striving to make North Dallas a better neighborhood for all our neighbors. 

We are located on the campus of St. Andrew Methodist Church in Plano, Texas.

State of The Storehouse Digital Magazine 2024

In this magazine, we review our community impact in 2023, recap our strategic focus in 2023, celebrate some highlights of the year, and also share our vision for 2024. 

Our digital magazine is now LIVE. Click the button below to read the magazine on issuu.com: